Missy is a product of us breeding our stud with one of our former puppies. She was a small Medium/Standard weighing only 32 lbs. We opted to breed for one of her pups to get another MINI mama. She is an abstract, red Goldendoodle. She will have puppies in 2024.
Selah is a gorgeous deep red F1 Goldendoodle that doesn't shed. She is a soft coat and fun personality. She is actually paired with Ottis who is our 10lb Micro Goldendoodle to produce some babies.
Raven is the daughter of Emmie who has retired. She was a product of us breeding down the size. She was the smallest, darkest female weighing in at 25 lbs She is due April 11, 2024 with her first litter. Axel was her mate.
Goldie is a tiny little ball of furry perfection. She is spunky and fun and absolutely a show stopper. She will be having a mirco litter in 2024.
Emmie Lou is new to our mama list. She is an amazing chocolate and white Sheepadoodle with amazing markings. She is living in a fabulous guardian home living her best life. She will hopefully have a litter in 2024.
Lucy is a Micro Mini Goldendoodle weighing 12 lbs. She has had one litter thus far. She has an incredible guardian home who already had one of our doodles. It was a perfect match. Her mama took these incredible photos and has a booming photography business that I can't recommend enough. One photo of completely shaved to FUR BALL ready for her grooming appointment.
Maggie Mae has had one litter. Please don't tell her she's a micro mini Goldendoodle. She thinks she's all Golden Retriever and a large one at that. She would never believe she weighs in at 14 lbs. Her personality will fill a room. She is joined by Finley Jo (one of our Medium/standard mamas) and Finley's son Thatcher. She loves big just like her Guardian Family.
After a valiant fight, Reesie crossed the Rainbow Bridge 4 weeks after giving birth to a litter in December 2023. She passed away 12/31/23. She had an abstruction of a toy she ingested weeks before. After surgery, her intestines were too weak. We are thankful for the love and care Dr. Langston with Spencer Vet showed her. She is an angel here on earth. Reesie will forever be in our hearts. Reesie is a spectacularly marked merle Aussiedoodle. She has had an amazing litter with beautiful colors! She is in a wonderful guardian home with lots of experience with breeding as well as all animals due to her vet work. Reesie is due December of 2023. We can't wait to see what amazing colors she produces! She is the daughter of our retired Soleil.
Sadie is a beautiful red Petite Mini Goldendoodle weighing around 22 lbs. Her mate is Ottis weighs 10 lbs. She is a love a minute with an exceptionally soft coat and a sweet greeting upon meeting her. She is in a wonderful guardian home who has been friends with us for more years than I can count. Be sure and scroll through all of the photos. Due to the range of the parents we can produce micro to petites.
Kaia is the daughter of Bella and Ryder. Bella is the Daughter of Diamond, who was our first Goldendoodle! We wanted to have Diamond's Legacy carried on and we also wanted to continue to provide parti doodles, and Kaia carries for parti. Her mate is Gryphon, who is also a Parti Poodle. Half of her litters will be parti colored (apricot/red and white). Kaia weighs in the mid 40s.
Finley Jo is a fun loving, playful girl. She loves her people and is very protective of her human children. She is always aware of where they are and who is with them, inspecting them thoroughly to make sure they can be around her human children. She is a loving mother to her little ones. She has puppies in the golden to apricot/red range)
Mercy is a true love. She made us fall in love with the smaller doodles. She is obedient and loving. She loves to carry around a toy with her everywhere she goes, and will share occasionally with other dogs.
Georgia is an F1 Sheepadoodle and unlike MOST F1 Goldendoodles, she does NOT shed at all. She is quick to learn and loves her people and her buddy and mate, Gryphon. She knows lots of tricks and is always eager to learn more. She will begin training soon for emotional support/therapy.
Soleil is an amazing F1 Red Merle Aussiedoodle. She is a gentle old soul with a great love for all people. Her eyes are a warm gold and see into the heart.
Maverick is an apricot and white parti colored poodle joining our crew. He will take over Gryphon's role as Gryphon moves into retirement later this year. He is a sweet pup who loves to follow you around and just hang out. He is not an attention seeker, just an easy going fella, much like our sweet Gryphon.
Gryphon (pronounced Griffin)a CKC registered Standard Poodle has amazing, soft, loose curls in bright red and white. He stands tall and regal and enjoys being with Georgia rolling and playing in the yard.