Beautiful Kaia and Gryphon are due January 2, 2025. They arrived December 29th. Kaia and Gryphon produced a litter of parti pups and solid apricot to red pups. They are medium to standard in size which is 40-60 lbs. They are always amazing with silky coats. They will go home 8 weeks after birth. 4 males and 4 females. A male and female that are apricot and the rest are parti colors. Dew claws were not removed on this litter. The litter will go home February 22, 2025. At this time. we have the solid apriclot/red male RESERVED as 1st pick. There are 2 wanting females, one selecting from either and another for a male. What does this mean? There will either be 2 females remaining (If the one for EITHER chooses a male) and 1 male or 1 female and 2 males remaining (if they choose a female). In other words 5 puppies are reserved at this time.